Among heavy
metals, lead is a potential pollutant that readily accumulates in soils and
sediments. Although lead is not an essential element for plants, it gets easily
absorbed and accumulated in different plant parts. Uptake of in plants is
regulated by pH, particle size and cation exchange capacity of the soils as
well as by root exudation and other physico-chemical parameters. Excess Pb
causes a number of toxicity symptoms in plants stunted growth, chlorosis and
blackening of root system. Pb inhibits photosynthesis, upsets mineral nutrition
and water balance, changes hormonal status and affects membrane structure and
permeability. This book shows various morphological, physiological and
biochemical effects of Pb toxicity and also strategies adopted by plants for
Pb-detoxification and developing tolerance to Pb. Pb tolerance is associated
with the capacity of plants to restrict Pb to the cell walls, synthesis of
osmolytes and activation of antioxidant defense system. Remediation of soils
contaminated with Pb using phytoremediation and rhizofiltration technologies
appear to have great potential for cleaning of Pb-contaminated soils.
Key words: lead
poisoning, photosynthesis, oxidative stress, growth, respiration and ATP
Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. There are many types of pollutions, one major type is soil pollution. Soil pollution is the contamination of soil with harmful substances that can adversely affect the quality of the soil and the health of those living on it. Pollution can be the result of an accident or carelessness, or done on purpose through illegal dumping. Pollution is also a by-product of activities as normal as driving or maintaining a farm. Soil pollution can result from contaminated water draining into the soil. Agricultural chemicals can coat the soil, and litter can work its way into the dirt. Polluted acid rain can end up in soil, and metal-contaminated dust on roads can wash into the soil as part of rain-induced run-off. The Food and Fertilizer Technology Center warns that heavy-metal contamination can not only reduce crop yields due to poor soil quality, but result in the crops absorbing the metals. The effects of soil pollution reach across the spectrum from water and air to vegetation, and to human health and society as well. While the specific effects depend on the pollutant, in general they include further environmental contamination as the polluted soil washes into water or is kicked up into the air, and poisoning, such as from lead-tainted soil. Lead is a strong environmental pollutant and is toxic even if it is in a very low concentration that cause soil pollution and affects plants in term of photosynthesis, respiration, ATP content, oxidative stress, growth and seed germination
is a chemical element with symbol Pb (from the Latin plumbum) and atomic number
82. It is a heavy metal that is denser than most common materials. Lead is a
naturally occurring metal found in the earth's crust. Lead can be found many
places, much because of the human activity through burning fossil fuels,
mining, and manufacturing, also it can be contaminated with water from mines,
waste dumps, and industrial plants. There is many potential heavy metal where
lead is one of them that is neither essential element nor has any role in the
process of cell metabolism but it is easily absorbed and accumulated in
different parts of a plant. Lead is a strong environmental pollutant and is
toxic even if it is in a very low concentration. Pb
is a major pollutant in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (1).
1.1. Sources of lead
Besides natural weathering processes, the main sources of Pb are exhaust fumes of automobiles, chimneys of factories using Pb, effluent from the storage battery, mining and smelting, industry, Pb ores, metal plating and finishing operations, fertilizers, pesticides, additives in pigments and gasoline In developing countries like Pakistan Pb paints, Pb water pipes, Pb acid batteries, Pb containing eye cosmetics, Pb food cans, Pb in petroleum as anti-knocking agent and Pb oaring and mining are constant sources of Pb intoxication.
1.2. Availability and
uptake of lead in plants
Pb is available to plants from soil and
aerosol sources. Pb uptake studies in plants have demonstrated that roots have
the ability to take up huge quantities of Pb simultaneously greatly restricting
its translocation to above ground parts where plants they could accumulate and
translocate great quantities of Pb in the leaves in a concentration dependent
manner. The extent of Pb to which it enters plants
via the leaves depends on the ability of their leaves to absorb Pb from aerial
sources, which depends on the specific leaf morphology. Where some plants absorb
heavy metals from the atmosphere such as Downy plant leaves, but it is agreed
that the bulk of the Pb taken up by plants remains in the roots, where Pb accumulates in
the surface layers of soils and therefore it is difficult to reliably measure
the portion of soil Pb directly available to plants (1).
Its availability depends highly on soil con ditions. Pb binds to organic material in the soil. There are many factors that affect the rate of the availability and uptake of Pb such as root surface area, root exudates, mycorrhization and rate of transpiration.
1.3. Absorption, localization and mobility of lead on plants
absorption of Pb in soil follows the Langmuir relation and increases with
increasing pH between 3.0 to 8.5. The pH of soil is between 5.5 and 7.5. The Pb
present in the soil is always tightly bound to organic or colloidal material or
in a precipitated form, where at the root surface Pb binds to carboxyl groups
of mucilage uranic acids. Soil microorganisms may affect heavy metal
availability by the process of biosorption, bioaccumulation and solubilization
retention in the roots is based on the binding of Pb to ion exchangeable sites
on the cell wall and extracellular precipitation, mainly in the form of Pb carbonate deposited in the cell
wall sometimes there is addition of synthetic chelates such as H-EDTA or
EDTA, the addidtion of them in combination with low pH, effectively prevents
cell wall retention of lead, making it available for translocation to shoots
and transportation via apoplas (17). While Pb transported from the soil to the
root cells has to cross the root-cell plasma membrane through PM cation
channels, such as Ca-channels. The inhibition of the Ca-channel by Pb could
arise from Pb blockage of the channel or due to competitive transport of Pb through
the Ca-channel (24).
Pb moves predominantly into the root apoplast and thereby in a
radial manner across the cortex and accumulates near the endodermis. The
endodermis acts as a partial barrier to the movement of Pb between the root and
shoot. This may in part account for the reports of higher accumulation of Pb in
roots compared to shoots (18).
In an experiment when rice seedlings were raised in sand cultures for 10 and 20 days in nutrient medium containing 500 µM and 1000 µM Pb(NO3)2, root growth was reduced by 22 to 42 % and shoot growth by 25 %, whereas localization of absorbed Pb was 1.7 to 3.3 times higher in roots compared to shoots as shown in table 1 (1).
Sometimes there is a limited
transport of Pb from roots to other organs is due to the barrier of the root
endodermis which acts as a partial barrier since some of the Pb moves up
through the vascular tissues and diffuses out into the surrounding tissues.
This indicates that Pb moves into the apoplast. That movement of Pb in the root
is primarily via the apoplast is also supported by the report that a large
proportion of Pb is readily extractable in water. Higher concentrations of Pb
cause cell injury and disturb the barrier function of the plasmalemma as well
as the selective permeability of the plasma lemma and tonoplast. As a significant
the amount of Pb was retained at the surface of plasma lemma rather than in the
cell walls. Thus Pb enters the injured cells and do not enter the undamaged
cells in the same capacity (19)
Also Pb
compounds are major pollutants emitted by automobiles, as it is evident that
those plants which are growing near highways are usually exposed to more Pb
than other locations and are thus more affected. where the range of Pb in soil
is between 400-800 mg/kg. The Pb which is accumulated in the streets and
highways is transported to surface streams by rain water.
Pb, pollutes other surface waterways and soil. Mine water also transports a
huge amount of fine grained sediments contaminated with Pb.
1. Lead poisoning definition
Environmental heavy metal contamination as lead is becoming a worldwide problem that has attracted a great deal of attention. The release of heavy metals into the environment is mainly caused by various anthropogenic activities associated with agricultural practices, mineral exploration, industrial processes and solid waste management (2).
1.1. Effect of lead
poisoning on humans
Lead poisoning is an
acute or chronic poisoning caused by the absorption of lead or any of its salts
into the body. Lead poisoning is an environmental hazard that is capable of
causing mental retardation, behavioral disturbance, and brain damage. Lead
poisoning is more common in children than in adults because young children
often put their hands and other objects in their mouths, and these objects can
have lead dust on them. Furthermore, lead poisoning is more dangerous in
children than in adults because children absorb more lead and the developing
brain and nervous system are more sensitive to the damaging effects of lead.
Lead was used in household paint until 1978, and it was also found in leaded
gasoline, some types of batteries, water pipes, and pottery glazes. Lead paint
and pipes are still found in many older homes, and lead is sometimes also found
in water, food, household dust, and soil (3).
There are many effects of lead poisoning on humans, where the ancients were very much aware about the effect of lead on the human reproductive system in which it causes phthisis and an excessive loss of semen (3). Also it impairs the spermatogenesis, hypothalamic pituitary testicular axis activity and sperm function which lead to the infertility in males (7). Some heavy metals have bio-importance as trace elements but, the bio toxic effects of many of them in human biochemistry are of great concern. The bio toxic effects of heavy metals refer to the harmful effects of heavy metals to the body when consumed above the bio-recommended limits. Although individual metals exhibit specific signs of their toxicity, the following have been reported as general signs associated with cadmium, lead, arsenic, mercury, zinc, copper and aluminum poisoning: gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, diarrhea, stomatitis, tremor, hemoglobinuria causing a rust–red color to stool, ataxia, paralysis, vomiting and convulsion, depression, and pneumonia when volatile vapors and fumes are inhaled. The nature of effects could be toxic (acute, chronic or sub-chronic), neurotoxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic. Lead is the most significant toxin of the heavy metals, and the inorganic forms are absorbed through ingestion by food and water, and inhalation. The serious effect of lead toxicity is its teratogenic effect. Lead poisoning also causes inhibition of the synthesis of hemoglobin; dysfunctions in the kidneys, joints and reproductive systems, cardiovascular system and acute and chronic damage to the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Other effects include damage to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and urinary tract resulting in bloody urine, neurological disorder and can cause severe and permanent brain damage. While inorganic forms of lead, typically affect the CNS, PNS, GIT and other biosystems, organic forms predominantly affect the CNS. Lead affects children by leading to the poor development of the grey matter of the brain, thereby resulting in poor intelligence quotient (IQ). Its absorption in the body is enhanced by Ca and Zn deficiencies, acute and chronic effects of lead result in psychosis (4). Also the accumulation of significant amounts of Pb in liver tissue was implicated in the induction of an oxidative stress response in the liver. Although Pb is considered to be a poor inducer of oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation with concomitant inhibition of several antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, GSH peroxidase, GSH reductase was reported. This was accompanied by a simultaneous increase in glutathione disulphide (GSSG) and a reduction in the GSH/GSSG ratio 58, 59. The mechanisms of Pb-induced oxidative stress are depicted in Fig. 2. Along with its role in Pb-induced hepatotoxicity, oxidative stress was also noted to play a significant role in the regression phase of hepatic hyperplasia with the generation of lipoperoxide (LPO) and other oxidants and the induced expression of cytokine ediators, including TNF-α. in developing countries such as India that have increased ambient levels of Pb by the addition of occupational exposures, nutritional (e.g., iron, protein) deficiencies, and infections that confound the overall impact of Pb on human health. Further, the mild to moderate dysfunction in hepatic drug metabolism associated with Pb toxicity (and its interactions with drug efficacy) may also have greater impact on general public health (5).
In addition, heavy metal exposure or dietary deficiency is associated
with increased genetic damage, cancer and age-related diseases. Folate (vitamin
B9) required for DNA repair and synthesis may increase cellular susceptibility
to metal induced genotoxicity. the interactive effects of folic acid deficiency
and sufficiency on genome instability and cytotoxicity induced by chromium,
copper, manganese, lead, and their mixture (CCMP) in WIL2-NS human B
lymphoblastoid cells. Thus, exposure to the tested metals increased chromosomal
DNA damage in WIL2-NS cells and this was exacerbated by folate deficiency (6). Exposure of
various sensitive populations to lead induces a wide variety of adverse effects
in the central nervous system of children and fetuses, in various growth
indexes of children, in the cardiovascular system of older people, in heme
synthesis, and in calcium homeostasis and function.
A diet that is high in
iron and calcium can help protect people against absorbing lead. Treatment
involves chelation therapy, whereby blood is removed and metals are filtered
out through a machine, then reinfused into the patient. Treatment cannot repair
damage to the brain done by lead poisoning, but it may prevent further damage.
Plants are the target of a wide range of
pollutants that vary in concentration, speciation, and toxicity. Such
pollutants mainly enter the plant system through the soil or via the atmosphere
(20). Among common pollutants that affect plants, lead is among the most toxic
and frequently encountered (21). Lead continues to be used widely in many
industrial processes and occurs as a contaminant in all environmental
compartments (soils, water, the atmosphere, and living organisms). The prominence of environmental lead contamination results both from its persistence and from its present and past numerous sources (22). These sources have included smelting, combustion of leaded gasoline, or applications of lead-contaminated media such as sewage sludge and fertilizers (23). Among heavy metals lead (Pb) is one of the hazardous pollutants of the environment and Pb pollution in air, water, soil is an ecological effect due to its impact on human health, plants and environment. In plants, lead affect several metabolic activities in different cell components where lead toxicity leads to the decrease in the percentage of seed germination, as well as growth dry biomass of roosts and shoots, disruption of mineral nutrition, reduction in cell division, inhibition of photosynthesis, respiration, ATP content, protein content, and phytochemicals, also Pb is reported to produce oxidative stress (ROS) and enhances antioxidant enzymes in plants.
3.Effect of lead in
term of photosynthesis
Its main effect on photosynthesis
and respiration where the effect of different lead (Pb) concentrations
in the nutrient solution on the growth, Pb and chlorophyll content, chlorophyll
fluorescence and quenching parameters in the leaves of young sunflower plants
was studied. The content of Pb in the analyzed plant parts increased following
the increase in Pb content in the nutrient medium. This increase was expressed
to a higher extent in the roots than in the stems and leaves. In the presence
of high concentration of Pb in the leaf area, the dry mass and the height of
plants were reduced. Lead treatment of sunflower plants led to a pronounced reduction
of chlorophyll content, accompanied by much smaller decrease of photosynthetic
O evaluation rate and PSll efficiency at low light intensity. Hence, Pb effect2did
not result in the destruction of the photosynthetic apparatus, but in its
reduction. The highest Pb concentration in the nutrient solution induced,
however, at saturating photon flux density (PFD) a decrease in photochemical
quenching and in the efficiency of PSll electron transport and significantly
affected nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching, indicating an increase in
proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane and a decrease of
photophosphorylation (12). In an experiment, Photosynthesis and transpiration
rate of detached leaves of pea exposed to solution of Pb(NO3)2
at 1 or 5 mmol·dm−3 concentrations were inhibited. The higher concentration of
this toxicant decreased photosynthesis and transpiration rates 2 and 3 times
respectively, and increased respiration by about 20 %, as measured after 24
hours of treatment. Similarly, to Pb(NO3)2,
glyceraldehyde solution, an inhibitor of phosphoribulokinase, at 50 mmol·dm−3
concentration decreased the rates of photosynthesis and transpiration during
introduction into pea leaves. The rate of dark respiration, however, remained
unchanged during 2 hours of experiment. The potential photochemical efficiency
of PS II (Fv/Fm) and the activity of Rubisco at 5 mmol·dm−3 of Pb(NO3)2
were lowered by 10 % and 20 % respectively, after 24 hours. Neither changes in
the activity of PEPC (EC or protein and pigment contents were noted
in Pb-treated leaves. The photosynthetic activity of protoplasts isolated from
leaves treated for 24 or 48 hours with Pb(NO3)2 at 5
mmol·dm−3 concentration was decreased 10 % or 25 %, whereas, the rate of dark
respiration was stimulated by about 40 % and 75 %, respectively. The content of
abscisic acid, a hormone responsible for stomatal closure, in detached pea
leaves treated for 24 h with 5 mmol·dm−3 of Pb(NO3)2 solution was increased by
about 3 times; a longer (48h) treatment led to further increase (by about 7
times) in the amount of this hormone. The results of our experiments provide
evidences that CO2 fixation in detached pea leaves, at least up to 24 hours of
Pb(NO3)2 treatment, was restricted mainly by stomatal
closure (13). Also chlorophyll concentration
and photosynthetic energy storage efficiency decreased with time and with lead
concentration. Reduction of photosynthesis progressed with time and increased
with lead concentration, reaching up to 80% at the highest lead concentration
after seven days (14). In addition, the
process of photosynthesis is adversely affected by Pb toxicity. Plants exposed
to Pb ions show a decline in photosynthetic rate which results from distorted
chloroplast ultrastructure, restrained synthesis of chlorophyll, plastoquinone
and carotenoids, obstructed electron transport, inhibited activities of Calvin
cycle enzymes, as well as deficiency of CO2 as a result of stomatal
closure. Ceratophyllum demersum plants when grown in aquatic medium containing
Pb(NO3)2 showed distinct changes in chloroplast fine
structure. Leaf cells of such plants exhibited a reduction in grana stacks
together with a reduction in the amount of stroma in relation to the lamellar
system as well as absence of starch grains. Pb treatment also changes the lipid
composition of thylakoid membranes. Effects of Pb on various components of
photosynthesis, mitotic irregularities, respiration, water regime and nutrient
uptake are shown in figure 5.
4.Lead tolerance in plants
The two basic strategies
of metal uptake related to tolerance in plants, as suggested by involve (i) the 'excluder' strategy in which
the concentration of heavy metals is maintained at a constant low level until
critical soil concentration is reached when toxicity ensues and unrestricted
metal transport results and (ii) the 'accumulator' strategy in which metals are
actively concentrated within the plant tissues over the full range of soil
concentration implying a highly specialized physiology. where suggested three
basic strategies of response: avoidance, detoxification and biochemical
tolerance each of which affects tissue metal concentrations in different ways.
Figure 7 describes various responses of cells, when plants are exposed to Pb.
These responses include exclusion, detoxification mechanisms and non-specific
defense systems (53)
Pb has gained considerable attention as a potent heavy metal pollutant
due to the growing anthropogenic pressure on the environment. Pb contaminated
soils show a sharp decline in crop productivity. Pb is taken up by plants
mainly through the root system and partly, in minor amounts through the leaves.
Inside the plants Pb accumulates primarily in the root but a part of it is
translocated to the aerial portions. Soil pH, soil particle size, cation
exchange capacity as well as plant factors such as root surface area, root
exudation and mycorrhizal transpiration rate affect the availability and uptake
of lead. Limited translocation of Pb occurs from root to other organs due to
the barrier function of the root endodermis. At lethal concentrations this
barrier is broken and the flux of Pb enters the vascular tissues. Pb deposits
of various size are present mainly in the intercellular spaces, cell walls and
vacuoles. Small deposits of this metal are also seen in the endoplasmic
reticulum, dictyosome and dictyosome derived vesicles.
After entering the cell, Pb inhibits activities of many enzymes,
upsets mineral nutrition and water balance, changes the hormonal status and
affects membrane structure and its permeability. Visual non-specific symptoms
of Pb toxicity are stunted growth, chlorosis and blackening of the root system.
In most cases inhibition of enzyme activities due to Pb results from the
interaction of the metal with enzyme –SH groups. The activities of
metalloenzymes may decline due to displacement of an essential metal by Pb from
enzyme active sites.
Pb decreases photosynthetic rate by distorting chloroplast
ultrastructure, diminishing chlorophyll synthesis, obstructing electron
transport and inhibiting activities of Calvin cycle enzymes. At low
concentrations Pb stimulates respiration and increases ATP content whereas
higher concentrations are inhibitory to respiration and decrease ATP. Pb causes
the imbalance of the minerals K, Ca, Mg, Mn, Zn, Cu, Fe within the tissues by
physically blocking the access of these ions to the absorption sites of the
Pb exclusion capacity of plants is related to oxygen transport
ability, radial oxygen loss from the root, efficiency to immobilize Pb in the
rhizosphere. Biochemical tolerance to Pb is related to the capacity of the
plants to restrict Pb to the cell walls, synthesis of osmolytes and activation
of the antioxidant defense system. Such studies will enlighten the mechanism of
the genetic and biochemical basis of Pb tolerance in crops and based on
biotechnological tools it should be possible to produce plants with enhanced Pb
tolerance. Emerging clean-up technologies for remediation of Pb such as
phytoextraction and rhizofiltration have the potential to provide
environmentally sound and economically viable remedies for the cleaning of
Pb-contaminated soils.
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